Off The Record
The Shocking True Story Of The Human Barbie Jessica Alves
Although it’s uncommon, occasionally you hear of someone getting plastic surgery. One may like to alter their lips, breasts, nose, or simply add some extra radiance to their face.
However, by transforming herself into a human Barbie doll, Jessica Alves, formerly known as Rodrigo Alves, went one—or perhaps seventy—steps farther.
It’s acceptable to not be entirely satisfied with your physical attributes. But regardless of what others may say, never forget that you are attractive and have the capacity to accomplish great things.
In an effort to change their appearance, some people decided to have plastic surgery. Jessica Alves went one step farther by completely recreating her look.

Jessica Alves – transition
Early in 2020, we will begin Jessica’s story. Jessica Alves, whose real name is Rodrigo, came out as transgender in an interview with The Mirror.
“I’m known as Ken but inside I’ve always felt like Barbie,” the 36-year old said. “I finally feel like the real me. Glamorous, beautiful and feminine.”
She uses the pronouns “she” and “her” and goes by Roddy as of that day.
Came out as transgender
After getting hormone injections, Jessica developed feminine hips. She now wears a D-cup bra in addition to artificial eyelashes and blonde hair extensions. She declared in July that she would adopt the name Jessica.
“For years I tried to live my life as a man. I had a fake six pack put in, I had fake muscles in my arms, but I was lying to myself,” she said. “I’m a woman and have always had a feminine brain. Now my body matches my mind.”
Over the years, Jessica has appeared on Celebrity Big Brother in 2018, and she released a song called Plastic World last year with Italian plastic surgeon Giacomo Urtis. She was formerly a flight attendant and has more than a million Instagram followers.
So how did she get here?
The former Rodrigo Alves, Jessica, was born in Sao Paolo, Brazil, on July 30, 1983. Her grandfather gave Jessica toys when she was a little child, letting her dress however she pleased. She was born to a Brazilian mother and a British father.
Jessica Alves, childhood
Some might argue that a desirable goal for any child is to do what feels right rather than conform to social conventions that may have been established.
This was also the source of Alve’s doll infatuation, which she would demonstrate to the world.
“Growing up, I was very feminine and used to play with dolls and wear my mom’s dresses and heels,” she said, adding that she hated her looks during her teenage years.
“I like to laugh, but it used to make my nose very wide. I was very bothered by that. My family members often wondered aloud from whom I had inherited that hideous body part. That was the reason for me to have it addressed first.”
In order to attend the esteemed London School of Economics, Jessica Alves relocated to London. She made the decision to have her first plastic surgery in 2004. Her addiction to changing her look began then, and she was unable to kick it.
“I was never completely satisfied after an operation, and I still am not,” Jessica said.
Jessica Alves: surgeries
After 20 years, Jessica has had more than 100 procedures.
Her nose jobs, botox and fillers, pec implants, jaw and leg liposuction, hair transplant, calf shaping, artificial six-pack, and arm fillers were among the operations she had. She also underwent a “cat-eye” lift and had four ribs removed.
Over half a million dollars was spent on procedures for Jessica. Before long, her peers were unable to identify her. It was evident that he had morphodysphoria, a disorder characterized by a disordered perception of one’s own body.
As Rodrigo in the early days, Jessica Alves had always aspired to be a masculine Ken doll.

Her current target is Human Barbie.
Her quest for the perfect figure hasn’t been without its risks, though. Jessica was admitted to the hospital in April 2016 after developing necrosis, or dying skin.
At the same time as her septum seemed to come loose, a hole started to form on her nose. She had to go to a hospital in Malaga, Spain, at the same time because she was having trouble breathing.
According to the Daily Mail, she was given antibiotics via intravenous drip every eight hours.
Dangerous infection
The doctor cautioned that the illness might spread to her face through her nose. Her face might get gangrene.
“I can’t breathe through my nose and feel terrible. It has collapsed. I have been given an appointment with a consultant in London in six weeks time, and then I’m hoping surgery can be as soon as possible after that,” Jessica Alves said.
According to the Daily Mail, she had a chemical peel in Spain two years ago, which involves putting an acid-containing lotion on her face. She was going to let it soak in and then peel off the old skin to expose the new skin.
It wasn’t a great experience, though.

“It was fairly painful, and my face looks red now. It feels like burning,” she said. Here in Marbella is very sunny, and I can’t go out for the next few days unless I have a lot of sun protection.
Jessica survived two terrifying situations. but after her eleventh rhinoplasty in 2019. The nose began to fall apart. The most recent surgery aimed to correct a prior botox procedure.
From Rodrigo to Jessica Alves
“The results of this surgery were very pleasing at first but now I am going to have to have another surgery because it is sinking and I am scared, to be honest,” Jessica told the Daily Mail.
“Each time is riskier than the last and I’m worried that doctors aren’t going to be able to fix my nose permanently.”
Because of her appearance, Jessica has received a lot of international notoriety throughout the years.
Although perspectives on her entirely risking her body vary, it is evident that what matters most is that she is content and at ease.
As was already established, Jessica Alves has always thought of herself as feminine. However, she didn’t decide on the change until a photo shoot last year.
“Within a month I was diagnosed with gender dysmorphic disorder and given the option to start the appropriate medication to transition,” she told the NY Post in January. “Before, people looked at me because I looked very androgynous and weird for a man. Now I hope they are looking because they think I am a beautiful woman.”
Not done yet
Jessica was prepared. She underwent procedures that included breast augmentation, knee, hip, and foot injections, and the removal of her Adam’s apple and six packs, all of which came at a cost of almost $35,000.
Jessica also received female hormones and face feminization surgery.
Speaking on the British program This Morning in July, she clarified that she was still missing a few items.
“I still need two or three surgeries to complete my transition. Then I swear for good, I’m done with plastic surgery,” she said. “There is only so much one can take. Every time I go to surgery, yes, it’s scary, but it’s what I have to go through to be the person I am. I have to go through all that.”
Jessica, who is now 41 years old, has had her testicles removed and her penile inversion performed as her final surgery to finish her transition.

“I love it and everything that comes with it – going to nice hair salons and getting my nails, eyebrows and eyelashes done. Buying dresses and high heels and wearing sexy lingerie,’ Roddy, who now lives in London,” she said.
New nose job
In Brazil, Colombia, Iran, America, and Istanbul, Jessica got nose jobs. She had to have another nose operation a few weeks ago because she was having problems breathing through her nose.
A number of physicians declined to do the procedure because they were unsure of what to do. She eventually located a physician in Istanbul who utilized cartilage from her ear. She can now breathe normally once more.
Jessica Alves posts images of her life and journey on her Instagram feed.
Despite everything she’s been through, it’s safe to say that she appears to be very happy. And that is ultimately what matters most!
Covered in bandages after FIFTH face lift
It appears that TV star Jessica Alves is still determined to “enhance” her appearance in 2024.
The Daily Mail claims that following her fifth facelift, the 41-year-old departed a Turkish hospital in October wrapped in bandages. Alves revealed that she had over four inches of loose skin on her face after dissolving her prior dermal fillers. She had a “ponytail facelift,” a minimally invasive treatment that tightens the skin on her face and neck using staples along the hairline, to remedy this.
Following the surgery, she was assisted to a waiting automobile while wearing a hijab and in a wheelchair. The situation looked nothing short of shocking, and the photos went viral very fast.
”If I pinched myself,, three or four inches would come off in my hand. It was very elastic, like rubber, so the doctor was able to remove five inches of my skin,” the 41-year-old said.
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