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My Long-distance Boyfriend’s Surprise Visit Ended Catastrophically

Off The Record

My Long-distance Boyfriend’s Surprise Visit Ended Catastrophically

At the age of 41, I was having trouble finding love again after my twenty-year marriage left. I joined a dating service out of desperation and met Juan, a charming man. I went to Mexico on a dare to surprise him, but it was the worst thing I could have done.

I’m 41 years old and go by Lily. After 20 years of marriage, my spouse recently left, and I was unsure of what to do next. I never really had a lot of experience meeting new people because I got married young.

It’s difficult to find love in your forties, and I was unable to establish new friends. I thus distanced myself and didn’t spend much time outside.

I joined a dating site out of desperation and immediately struck up a conversation with Juan, a charming man from Mexico. He was so bold and self-assured that I found it hard to believe it was true. Our internet flirtation was quickly developing into something more.

Source: Midjourney

Things moved fast, and he started extending invitations for me to come see him in Mexico. I paused at first. What if his seeming identity wasn’t true? What if I was only making things worse for myself?

However, the idea of living out my days in the solitary routine I had developed compelled me to take a chance. Finally, I made the decision to show up unexpectedly and surprise him.

I got plane tickets, packed for a few weeks’ travel, and was ready to depart. I was somewhat anxious. I wanted this, but I wasn’t sure if he would be the same in person as he was online. It seemed like my final opportunity to be content.

My heart raced as I got on the plane, a mix of nervousness and exhilaration. The flight felt like an eternity, and all I could think about was Juan.

Source: Midjourney

In person, would he be as charming? Would seeing me make him happy? I made an effort to quiet my racing mind by telling myself that this was just a first step toward a fresh start.

As it turned out, Juan resided in a tiny village distant from the airport, which made it tough for me to get in touch with him. It was a long and exhausting voyage. I had to locate a taxi to get to his town after I landed.

“Where is it? Where?” The cabbie was yelling at me nonstop because he was having trouble understanding what I was saying. I was becoming frustrated, so I took out my phone and gave him the address right away.

“Observe? I need you to take me to this town right now. To what extent?”

Source: Midjourney

“All right, let’s head!” he exclaimed, having at last realized.

I had always found traveling to be difficult. My luck was notoriously awful, and I always seemed to find the worst ways to interact with others. But this time, I had hope that things would work out, which gave me the strength to press on.

The drive, snaking through small, uncharted lanes, seemed never-ending. I saw how the landscape shifted from the busy city to more serene rural settings.

I was increasingly nervous the farther we traveled. I couldn’t help but question whether or not I was making a major error. I reminded myself that I was here to take a chance on happiness, so I ignored those thoughts.

Source: Midjourney

to last, the cab arrived to a compact residential complex. I was nervous and excited at the same time as I paid the driver and left. I could see Juan had just walked into his apartment as I got closer to the building.

“Juan! Whoa!” I yelled as I rushed in his direction. I was eager to see how he would respond.

He appeared genuinely shocked to see me, and for a few second, I believed he was angry. However, he smiled out of nowhere, and my heart began to settle.

“Oh, that’s you!” You weren’t expected here! Regarding your visit, why didn’t you text me?

“I apologize; I assumed you would be pleased to see me, Juan. In person, you look so much better! Trying to keep the tone light,” I said.

“Indeed! You too, Lucy…” he murmured, a little hesitant.

Source: Midjourney

“Lily,” I gave him the correction, a twinge of regret. He couldn’t even remember my name. Perhaps that should have been the first warning sign I looked for.

“Lily! Indeed, it was my intention. I apologize; sometimes I have trouble understanding American names.”

I wondered if he was right. I ought to be less pessimistic. I could not stop listening to him because he was so attractive and had such a charming accent.

We sat down to discuss after he asked me into his place. Before I knew it, we were laughing and telling stories like if we had been friends for a long time. The conversation flowed naturally.

We cracked open a bottle of wine as the evening progressed. With every drink, my nerves began to fade. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed Juan’s company; he was lovely and attentive.

“So, what prompted you to travel this far?” Juan inquired, his eyes glimmering with interest.

I said, “I just needed a change.” “I felt completely lost after my husband left.”Speaking with you restored my hope.

Source: Midjourney

With a comforting and kind smile, he said, “I’m glad you came.” “It’s good to finally meet you in person.”

We talked into the night, the wine softening our speech and strengthening our bond. I eventually reached a point when my eyes were so tired that I was having trouble staying awake.

“I believe I should get some rest,” I muttered, holding back my yawn.

“Obviously, you must be exhausted from your journey,” Juan stated as he led me to a makeshift chamber. “Lily, get plenty of sleep.”

I smiled and replied, “Goodnight, Juan,” falling asleep feeling happy and optimistic for the first time in a long time.

Source: Midjourney

But I was unprepared for the brutal truth that would greet me the following morning. I was bewildered and puzzled when I woke up on the street. The new surroundings were illuminated with a gentle glow as the sun rose.

My head ached, and I realized too late that my wallet and phone were missing. I felt totally powerless, left in my filthy clothes.

I started to panic as I looked about. While everyone else was getting ready for the day, I went unnoticed. I tried talking to people on the street, but my voice sounded hesitant and needy.

“Please provide a hand! Someone? Make a police report!” I yelled, thinking maybe someone would hear me.

However, no one took action. They all gave me a quick glance before rushing off, treating me as though I were destitute or worse.

Source: Midjourney

Between me and any possible assistance was the language barrier, which felt like a wall. I had a sense of helplessness, and my eyes started to flood up with tears.

A towering man came up to me just when I thought things couldn’t get much worse. He appeared to be employed at a local restaurant because of his friendly demeanor and apron. He was speaking quickly and incoherently in Spanish to me. I tried to show that I didn’t understand by shaking my head.

After appearing to recognize the issue, he began speaking in broken English. “You… need help?” he said in a soft voice.

“Yes, please,” I said in a shaky voice. “I have no money or my phone. I have no idea what to do.”

With a compassionate face, he nodded. “Come… join me,” he murmured, indicating that I should follow him. “Miguel,” I say.

Source: Midjourney

“Lily,” I responded, making an effort to smile somewhat. I trailed behind Miguel to a quaint little eatery a short distance away. The smell of coffee and freshly made bread filled the air, taking my mind off my worry for a time.

Miguel took me to a back room, where he gave me a set of shoes and a basic outfit. “You… change,” he remarked, gesturing to a little lavatory.

With gratitude, I nodded. “Miguel, thank you.”

Inside the bathroom, I changed into clean clothing, feeling a little more human. I looked in the mirror after splattering some water on my face. Even in the face of everything, there was a glimmer of optimism. Miguel was a lifeline with his kindness.

Miguel had made me a plate of food when I came out. Toast, eggs, and a steaming coffee cup. He gestured for me to sit down and eat by pointing to the chair. “You need strength—eat,” he said.

I took a seat and began to eat, my stomach feeling fuller as a result. I repeated, “Thank you,” tears welling up in my eyes.

Source: Midjourney

Miguel nodded while grinning. “You use your phone after.”

I couldn’t help but think back on the experiences that had led me to this point as I completed my meal. It was now evident that Juan was not the person he had claimed to be, despite his seeming perfection.

Although the realization hurt, Miguel’s unanticipated generosity gave me hope that wonderful individuals could still exist in the world.

I was shocked to see Juan in the distance when I turned to look at Miguel’s workspace out in the hallway. He was laughing and conversing with a new woman as if nothing had happened.

Anger shot through me, and my heart thumped in my chest. After what he had done to me, how could he just move on so quickly?

Hurrying back to Miguel, I attempted to clarify the events that transpired. “Juan, that man Miguel! That’s who stole from me, him! We must dial the police number!” I said, my words coming out in a blur of panic.

Source: Midjourney

Miguel did not seem to comprehend what I was saying in English. I inhaled deeply and gave it another go, speaking softly and making gestures at Juan.

“He took my phone and money.”

Miguel nodded and appeared worried, although his expression still suggested he wasn’t entirely understanding. I understood I had to be more explicit.

Grabbing a napkin, I hurriedly sketched a rough depiction of a money symbol and a phone before crossing it out. “Juan took these from me,” I remarked, gesturing first to Juan and then to the drawing.

Miguel nodded and appeared worried, although his expression still suggested he wasn’t entirely understanding. I understood I had to be more explicit.

Source: Midjourney

Grabbing a napkin, I hurriedly sketched a rough depiction of a money symbol and a phone before crossing it out. “Juan took these from me,” I remarked, gesturing first to Juan and then to the drawing.

Miguel’s eyes grew wide with insight. He turned to face me, then back to Juan. “Police?” he inquired, feigning to hold a phone.

“Yes, but hold on,” I said as a thought began to shape. “May I take the uniform of a waitress?”

Though perplexed, Miguel nodded. He got a uniform fast and gave it to me. I ran to the bathroom to change, panic and determination pounding in my chest.

Source: Midjourney

After getting dressed, I inhaled deeply and straightened the outfit. I had to return that phone.

In an attempt to fit in with the other employees, I ventured out into the hallway. I couldn’t take my eyes off of Juan and his new companion. They were talking so much that they didn’t even notice me. With somewhat trembling palms, I walked over to their table.

I said, trying to seem as professional as possible, “Excuse me, sir. “You didn’t finish this earlier.” I gave Juan a napkin in the hopes that he would become sidetracked enough to not see me straight away.

Juan looked up, a little taken aback. I snatched his phone from the table as soon as he took the napkin. With my heart racing, I quickly returned to Miguel after grabbing it.

Miguel was perplexed as I gave him the phone. I said, “Look at the messages,” starting a conversation with Juan.

Source: Midjourney

“And there are numerous other women as well.”

Miguel’s shocked eyes widened as he scanned through the messages. His gaze shifted from me to Juan, who continued to chuckle with the woman.

Miguel’s face became stern with comprehension and rage. He gave a nod and took out his phone to make a police call.

It was minutes before the cops showed up. Miguel, who was speaking to them, indicated Juan. I observed as the officers walked up to Juan’s table and began questioning him. In a few seconds, Juan’s expression changed from assured to perplexed to terrified. I experienced a feeling of relief as the police led him out of the eatery.

Source: Midjourney

Miguel turned to face me, gentle and concerned. “Are you okay?” he inquired.

I nodded, tears welling up in my eyes from relief and thankfulness. “Miguel, thank you. You supported me and gave me faith. I have no idea how to pay you back.”

Miguel gave a soft smile. “Good people support one another. You now have a fresh start.”

I came to see that I had found someone who actually cared along this strange trip. I was able to overcome a challenging circumstance and grow stronger because of Miguel’s generosity and encouragement. I was filled with hope for the future as I stood there. The biggest difference was that I was no longer alone.

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