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My In-laws Shocked Me By Telling My Kids To Sleep In A Shed, But Karma Hit Them Right Away

Off The Record

My In-laws Shocked Me By Telling My Kids To Sleep In A Shed, But Karma Hit Them Right Away

Penelope’s husband persuaded her to agree when her in-laws requested that her twins spend time with their grandparents, despite her reluctance. However, Penelope found something horrifying when she called to see how her girls were doing.

It all began quite casually. Seth and I made the decision to spend the weekend with his parents, Ava and Blair, our twin daughters.

Seth’s parents, Paul and Linda, lived close to us, but there were countless fields and undulating hills all around them.

Seth stated, “The girls should adore it.” “Everything, even the flower plants, will appeal to them. This will be beneficial because they haven’t actually spent much time with my parents.”

Yes, I answered. “I suppose so. And spending some time outside will be beneficial for us.”

Seth said, “It’s actually the summer holidays. How about we give the twins a bag and give them a few days to stay? It was brought up by my mother a few weeks ago.”

Source: Freepik

That gave me the creeps. I was always concerned that Seth’s parents might tell the twins the truth, as they hadn’t really had any interaction with them.

Seth and I adopted Blair and Ava when they were young, and we have always loved them as our own. They were what they were, and that’s why. We simply hadn’t informed them about their adoption yet, though.

As I told Seth, “We’ll wait until they’re older,” “Like, let’s wait until they’re 16 at least.”

“I agree, my love,” he remarked. “We are unable to disrupt everything they now know. Furthermore, seven is too young to really comprehend anything.”

However, Paul and Linda had always seemed a little odd about it all. Although they claimed to adore my kids just like any other grandchild, I felt they were treated differently.

In addition, if the twins stayed, it would be their first time welcoming their grandchildren here for summer visits.

Source: Freepik

“All right,” I finally said. “We can pack their things, and if they want to stay, then by all means.”

I told my husband that, but the truth was that I was still apprehensive about leaving my kids with Linda. Over the years, she would spend lavishly on the other grandchildren while purchasing cheap, careless gifts for the twins.

Furthermore, she had refrained from holding them even as infants and frequently appeared to forget their existence unless asked to.

“Oh, I’m sorry, Penelope,” Linda apologized. “I’m just about to go into the kitchen and sort out some food; I’ll hold the kids later.”

Even so, Seth was looking forward to the visit, stating that we might have some alone time once the kids arrived and that it was a significant family custom.

“Pen, it’s too late to reserve a room for us, but we could take a staycation instead.” For us, it will be fantastic. We almost never get to spend quality time alone.

Thus, I consented with a mixture of optimism and trepidation.

Linda met us with her signature welcoming smile when we arrived.

She said, “It’s so good to see you all!” but avoided making much eye contact with the females, as I noted.

Source: Freepik

“Oh boy,” I whispered to myself.

This was only the start.

“So!” “You girls are going to sleep in the shed out back,” Linda remarked. It will include a small amount of adventure! And don’t worry, we’ve furnished it tastefully with beds and all.

I hesitated again right away. A garage? An ancient shed didn’t seem appropriate for kids.

With a “I’m sure it’s fine, Pen,” Seth spoke. “My mother will not place our children in inappropriate situations. Probably to make it more pleasant for the grandchildren.”

However, why didn’t we investigate it before departing? That is a question I will continue to ask myself.

“Come on, love,” Seth urged the girls as they were playing with the puppy, Lila. “They’re good now that they’re settled in. And dinner is going to be chicken pot pie, thanks to Mom. They will be alright. And Dad mentioned that Jesse and the other children are on their way.”

We then departed and went out to supper as a group.

Source: Freepik

As soon as we sat down at the table, Seth commented, “Date nights are important, Pen.”

Seth had to return to work after a few hours of our time together. His employer was in another country, so his hours were absurd.

I gave the girls a ring later that night to see how they were doing. Normally vibrant, their voices sounded muted.

Ava muttered, “Mom, we’re scared.” “There are weird noises here, and we think we saw some rats.”

“And the hay is very sharp, and it’s been poking our skin when we try to sleep,” Blair continued.


“Hey, what up? Where are the other children?” I enquired.

“They are within,” Blair declared. “Gran said they could sleep in the beds upstairs. How come we can’t? This place is chilly.”

I was enraged. How could they treat my girls in this way while the other children were able to play inside comfortably?

I had no choice but to go see the girls on my own since Seth was at work.

Anger gripping my hands, I took my keys and drove to my in-laws’ house.

Linda had a smug expression on her face, as though she’d been anticipating me, as she opened the door.

“Why do my kids sleep in a shed filled with hay? I assumed you altered it to make it kid-friendly.” I yelled. “And why are the other kids inside the house?”

Linda remained unfazed.

“It’s merely a custom we follow,” she casually remarked. “We instill in the children the importance of diligence and modesty. The process doesn’t end with the shed.”

“Hard work and humility?” I repeated. They’re not farmhands; they’re seven years old. And why just my children? Why don’t the other children go outside too?

Linda’s eyes became icy.

“These kids need to figure out where they belong, Penelope. They aren’t as significant as the others, after all. They’ve been taken in. They are not truly related.”

Her remarks felt like a kick to the stomach.

I murmured, “This is unacceptable,” while trembling all over my body. “They are children, and they deserve the same treatment as any of the other grandkids.”

Source: Pexels

Linda merely shrugged.

You are free to return them home if you so want. However, you shouldn’t count on them to participate in any future family customs.

“That’s the last thing I want,” I said. “I don’t want my kids to have anything to do with you, Linda.”

I hurriedly walked past her, furious, and directly to the shed. The image of Blair and Ava curled up on the makeshift beds, their eyes glazed over with anxiety, broke my heart.

After gathering them up, I strode back towards the house.

I glared at Linda and said, “We’re leaving.” “And don’t expect to see any of us again unless you can treat all your grandchildren with equal love and respect.”

A wave of relief and rage passed over me as I drove away, my daughters safely nestled in the backseat.

I got the girls in bed at home, gave them a kiss, and then I let them sleep. I was aware that our morning talk was more in-depth.

I informed Seth what had happened when he got home.

“You’re kidding,” he angrily remarked. “You’re telling me that my mother did this?!”

I gave a nod.

With firmness, he declared, “This is not how our daughters will be treated.” Together, we’ll take care of this. Permit the girls to go to sleep.

My mother came over to watch the girls in the morning.

“We’ll just play with the dollhouse until you come back,” she replied.

Then we went back to face his parents. And my gosh, did my husband not hold back when he spoke.

“Mom, I can’t forgive what you did. Because my girls were adopted, you treated them as if they were less than human. You won’t be seeing any of us until you can demonstrate that you love and respect each of your grandchildren equally.”

It was a heated exchange. Linda attempted to justify her conduct, but Seth refused to back down. She eventually lost it.

“I’m so sorry,” she replied, her eyes welling with sorrow.

However, I don’t give a damn.

Our choice had an impact on the entire family. Seth’s brother Jesse also declined to hand his children up to their parents.

And how did karma intervene, do you know? It was Linda’s 70th birthday, and it was expected to be a huge celebration, a month later. It was our collective destiny to be present, prepared to honor the mother.

However, no one arrived. Paul informed Seth over the phone that Linda had cried all day and regretted everything.

“Too bad, Dad,” Seth murmured. “My children are my main priority. My family comes first.”

How would you have responded in that situation?

Here’s another story for you if you liked this one.

I Dropped My Naughty Kids at My Parents’ Home – I Was Shocked When They Were Good as Gold When I Picked Them Up

Cara and her spouse are excited about the opportunity to attend an adult-only party and enjoy a brief respite from raising three children. Fortunately, her parents are prepared to step in and watch the kids. When they go back to get the kids, Cara and Jason are surprised by their altered behavior.

“Are you sure that the kids will be okay?” As I was searching through my closet for something to wear, my husband Jason said.

Yes, I said. “They will be absolutely fine with my parents.”

Jason responded, “It’s just that you know how they can be.” “Not your parents, the kids. They are quite a group.”

They’ll be alright, I said again.

However, my husband wasn’t in error. Our children presented many challenges. They were as giddy as anything and would frequently stand on one another’s feet in an attempt to outdo the other and get our attention.

Fortunately, our friend’s birthday celebration was just for adults, so Jason and I were getting ready for it.

“Cara, I’m so happy that it’s an adult party,” Jason exclaimed as he straightened his shirt. “We need an evening away from the little monsters.”

I wholeheartedly concur. All I wanted was to stuff my face with delicious food that wasn’t on my kids’ plates. Moreover, sip champagne., wine, or lager. I thought all three were decent enough.

I murmured, “Oh, honey,” as I put on my earrings. “I’m just as glad.”

Look, Jason and I adore our kids unconditionally, but we needed a vacation after raising them for five years without any assistance.

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