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My DIL Took The Money I Sent Every Month For My Grandson. I Taught Her A Lesson She Will Never Forget

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My DIL Took The Money I Sent Every Month For My Grandson. I Taught Her A Lesson She Will Never Forget

Mary suspects Susan, her daughter-in-law, after learning that Timmy, her grandson, has not received the $300 she pays him each month. Mary comes up with a cunning way to reveal her DIL since she is determined to find the truth.

The chagrin of my daughter-in-law, Susan, will astound you. Let me explain what took place. Through Susan, I have been giving $300 every month to my grandson, Timmy. Taking the letters, she gives them to him.

That’s what we agreed she would do, anyway. But the truth was rather different!

In order to avoid giving the impression that I’m purchasing Timmy’s affection, I devised this scheme and explicitly instructed Susan not to bring up the fact that the money originates from me. After all, the purpose of the money was to teach him a useful life skill rather than to treat him.

Source: Midjourney

Susan and my son manage their finances well enough, but I wanted to make sure Timmy always had enough pocket money so he could develop financial responsibility. I grew up that way, and I also raised all of my children that way.

Before Timmy contacted me one day and demanded money, I believed things was going OK.

“Grandma, could you please send me some cash? His tiny voice was full of hope and enthusiasm as he continued,” “I really want to buy this toy I’ve been dreaming about.”

Source: Midjourney

I couldn’t understand. “But Timmy, didn’t your mom give you pocket money just last week?”

“No,” he said, in a somewhat dejected tone. “I’ve been asking Mom to give me pocket money for ages, but she says I’m too young.”

My mouth fell open. I needed to ask Timmy one more question, but it took a minute before I could put a phrase together.

“However, what about the toys you now own? How did you find the funds to purchase them?” I inquired.

Source: Midjourney

“Grandma, even if Dad occasionally lets me get paid for completing chores, it will never be enough to buy the toy I desire! I need your help,” he begged. “Mom says I should never ask you for money, but it’s just this one time.”

Up until that moment, I had been prepared to assume Susan was innocent, but suddenly I couldn’t shake the feeling that something shady was happening.

Everything I needed to know would be revealed in Timmy’s response to my next query.

“Well, did you ask your mom for money, Timmy?” I inquired.

Source: Midjourney

Timmy sighed as deeply as he could at seven years old. He muttered, “Mom never gives me any money,”

That was it. A feeling of rage swept through me after I felt my heart fall. I was aware that something was amiss. I had thought Susan might be a little avaricious, but robbing her own son? It was a new low.

My thoughts were racing. Had she been keeping the money for herself all along? Was there a miscommunication here?

I kept thinking about how my adorable grandson would be denied the small pleasures I wanted to give him and the chance to learn how to handle his finances.

Source: Midjourney

Soon after, I said farewell and promised to see what I could do to assist him. I grew more irate the more I considered the money. My hands were shaking with rage, and I could feel the heat rising in my cheeks.

I was unable to let this go. I needed to know the truth. Thus, I made the decision to test my theory.

I called Susan the following day and started my strategy.

“Hi Susan, we haven’t spent much time together as a girl in a long time. What about taking a stroll and doing some window shopping? I made a suggestion while attempting to sound light and approachable. But on the inside, I was boiling with suspicion and eager to expose her.”

Source: Midjourney

Unaware of my suspicions, Susan enthusiastically concurred. The idea of taking a break even seemed to delight her. We finally arrived at my old friend Helen’s antique shop.

Susan was unaware that I had orchestrated this entire situation because she didn’t know Helen.

The previous evening, I had called Helen and told her everything. She was more than happy to assist. Helen gave us a hearty welcome as soon as we entered.

“Hello, women! Why have you come to my little shop today? With a gleam in her eye,” she inquired. I was encouraged that we were in sync by her knowing look.

Source: Midjourney

I said, “We’re just browsing,” and I nodded subtly to Helen. Pretending we didn’t know one another was part of the strategy. “Do you have any jewelry?”

Helen started displaying a variety of jewels to us, each one more exquisite than the last.

“This necklace is particularly lovely, don’t you think?” She held up a glittering object that the light perfectly reflected.

Susan’s eyes glowed instantly.

“Oh, it’s beautiful!” “What’s the price?” she inquired. Her eyes were sparkling with desire as she softly stroked the necklace.

Source: Midjourney

“It’s five hundred dollars,” smiled Helen in response.

Susan’s expression dimmed. “Oh, that’s a bit out of my budget,” she replied, utterly unable to conceal her displeasure.

I could see the wheels spinning in her mind as she worked out how she was going to get the money. I had been waiting for that.

I added that Timmy had told me about the toy he so urgently desired when we left the store.

Source: Midjourney

“I want to send Timmy an additional five hundred bucks tomorrow so he can buy his toy, even though I know I probably shouldn’t. Is that acceptable?” I inquired.

Susan tried to conceal her joy as her eyes expanded. “Obviously! Mary, that’s quite kind of you!” she said. “And it’s okay to spoil a child every now and then, right?”

I gave a nod. It was time to proceed to the next phase of my strategy.

I meticulously produced an envelope containing five hundred dollars in counterfeit currency that evening. Timmy and I used to play an old novelty board game, and I had saved a stockpile of dollars that looked legitimate. It was ideal for this small scheme of mine.

Source: Midjourney

I was feeling anxious and excited at the same time, and my heart was racing as I sealed the envelope.

I wrote, “For Timmy, on the envelope and sent it. Grandma, love.” As I penned the lines, I had a brief moment of shame, but I immediately ignored it.

This was essential. I needed to know the truth, and Susan needed to be taught a lesson.

Susan went to the antique store later that day, convinced that the money was genuine. As soon as Helen entered, she called me.

Source: Midjourney

She whispered, “Mary, your daughter-in-law is here,” her enthusiasm scarcely contained. “And she’s asked to see the necklace again.”

“Excellent.” I grabbed my car keys and said, “I’ll be there soon.”

I started the car with trembling hands, driven by a combination of adrenaline and willpower. It was this. The truth moment.

Susan was at the counter when I got to the store, anxiously giving Helen the money. Helen’s expression darkened after she glanced over the bills.

She replied, “This is fake money,” as she carefully examined one of the bills.

Source: Midjourney

Susan’s expression turned white. “What? No, it’s not possible! I promise, it’s real.” Her voice trembled as she stammered.

The claim caught her completely off guard, making her appear like a deer caught in headlights.

Helen gave a headshake. “This currency is fake. This cannot be used here. Actually, it’s illegal to use counterfeit money. I must make a police call.”

Helen reached for the phone, and I moved forward. The tension in the room increased with each careful movement she made.

Source: Midjourney

Susan started crying. Don’t contact the police, please! I was unaware that it was phony.

“Susan? What’s happening?” I asked naively.

“Please, Mary, help me!” Her eyes turned to me in desperation as she sobbed. Her speech was agitated and high-pitched, a far cry from her normally calm manner. “This woman thinks my money is counterfeit!”

“That’s because it is!” I said.

Source: Midjourney

I took a step forward, speaking in a forceful yet composed tone. “This is what happens when you steal and lie, Susan. You kept the money I sent you each month for yourself, even though I trusted you to give it to Timmy. This is the lesson for you.”

Sobbing, Susan dropped to her knees. “Mary, I’m very sorry. I simply couldn’t resist the temptation, and I believed I could get away with it. Don’t contact the cops, please,” she pleaded.

Source: Midjourney

Her unadulterated cries reverberated throughout the shop. Her desperation was evident as she gripped Helen’s skirt tightly.

I nodded as Helen gave me a look.

Her face softened as she put down the phone. “Alright, I won’t call the police this time, but you need to understand the gravity of what you’ve done,” she responded.

Source: Midjourney

Susan, still in tears, gave a forceful nod. “I do, and I promise I’ll never do anything like this again.”

She appeared completely defeated, and her voice was hoarse.

“From now on, I’ll handle Timmy’s money directly,” I said. “You need to earn back my trust, Susan.”

That’s how I gave my daughter-in-law a lesson she won’t soon forget, my friends. Although it was a challenging exchange, there are instances when the only way to make amends is through tough love.

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