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Mom Poses For Pregnancy Pics – Then Photographer Tells Her To Turn Around

Off The Record

Mom Poses For Pregnancy Pics – Then Photographer Tells Her To Turn Around

One of the most important things a person can do is start a family.

Jazzy and Rich were expecting their second child together, and they were looking forward to having another chance to raise a child.

Jazzy’s due date was quickly approaching, but the pair decided to take some beautiful pregnancy photos before the big day.

They hoped to keep the pictures as a memento of a joyful time in their lives to show future generations.

But the photo shoot didn’t go quite how Jazzy had envisioned…

Jazzy had picked out a pretty pink dress that she planned to wear for the photo session.

Her daughter Reign, who was not much older than she was, dressed like her. Jazzy also got her cosmetics done before the shoot.

Worries over the weather

Before the filming, Jazzy and Rich were both anxious. They were worried that the weather, which had been raining steadily, would prove to be their undoing.

On the day of the shoot, though, the clouds parted and the sun shone through.

The trio set off for the place they’d picked, which featured a gorgeous waterfall in the background.

Just another photo session?

Jazzy at that time thought she was just showing up to the photo shoot they’d been planned for months.

She wouldn’t have any idea that Rich had something different in mind…

Digging in his pocket

The photographer began by taking the customary family portraits of the couple and their little daughter.

The photographer then abruptly stopped and requested Jazzy to hold on for a second before proceeding with the next shot.

Rich, who had been standing behind her the whole time, reached into his pocket and pulled out a small velvet box. He got down on one knee at that point.

You can watch Jazzy’s reaction in the video below. Tissues are probably a good idea… It’s a moving story, for sure!

Wow, it really caught me off guard!

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