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Melania Trump Was ‘Discomfort And Anger’ During Trump’s Congressional Address, According To A Body Language Expert

Off The Record

Melania Trump Was ‘Discomfort And Anger’ During Trump’s Congressional Address, According To A Body Language Expert

An analyst claims that when Melania Trump was introduced by her husband before his Congressional speech, she was attempting to project a positive image.

Since Donald Trump has returned to the White House, Melania Trump, his wife, has also returned to the spotlight.

She has already tried to amend several laws as First Lady, as seen by her rare appearance earlier this week, in which she urged Congress to take tough measures against “revenge porn.”

Donald Trump paid attention to her work during his speech to Congress on Tuesday, March 4, and the First Lady received a round of applause.

Source: Wikipedia

But according to a body language expert, Melania might not have had much fun at the time.

Speaking to UNILAD on behalf of Prime Casino, Darren Stanton contended that Melania was more uncomfortable and irritated by this remark than anything else.

He went on to say that her “smile” was more a matter of courtesy than sincere happiness at her husband bringing it up in his speech to Congress.

He said: “She doesn’t seem to like attention, she doesn’t like having focus brought on to her. They are not genuine smiles of elation. You can see from her eyes and the tension in her mouth that it was a very forced smile.”

“She was not happy at all to have everyone looking at her. There were no crow’s feet and the top half of her face was not engaged in the smile at all.”

“Trump likes to shift attention towards her but she would clearly rather remain out of the limelight. She was visibly very embarrassed and uncomfortable.”

Stanton further stated that despite Melania’s seeming emotions against this, Trump is adamant about keeping her in the spotlight.

He also drew attention to the obvious behavioral shifts that occur when someone appears to be truly joyful and smiling.

He added: “The key tells of a genuine smile are wide eyes, raised eyebrows and the mouth slightly open. Melania didn’t exhibit any of these. On the contrary her eyes actually seemed to tighten and her eyebrows pulled together and she pursed her lips.”

“This suggests that beyond merely being embarrassed, she was actually quite angry. She did not want to be in the limelight and Trump always insists on putting her there. There were clear signs of discomfort and anger.”

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