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Jimmy Carter’s Grandson Made An Unexpected Four-Word Announcement About His Grandfather’s Current Condition

Off The Record

Jimmy Carter’s Grandson Made An Unexpected Four-Word Announcement About His Grandfather’s Current Condition

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter’s grandson recently gave an update regarding his grandfather’s health ahead of the politician’s 100th birthday. His reflections were shared during a music event that honored Jimmy.

Prior to the extraordinary milestone that former President Jimmy Carter will celebrate on October 1, his devoted grandson Jason Carter provided some fresh information about his grandfather’s health. He made these remarks following Jason’s description of Jimmy receiving hospice care in Plains, Georgia, his hometown.

At the “Jimmy Carter 100: A Celebration in Song” birthday celebration, Jason told People magazine that although Jimmy is incapable of performing any physical tasks on his own, he is still very much aware of and present for emotions.

“I mean he’s been in hospice for over 19 months now and he has really physically diminished […] but he is emotionally engaged and still having experiences and laughing, loving,” stated Jason. He concluded by saying, “[He’s] experiencing the world as best as he can as he continues through this process.”

The grandson of the 39th President of the United States further clarified that although Jimmy is emotionally involved, not much has changed in terms of his health after receiving hospice care for a few months.

Jason had a conversation about his grandfather’s health with Southern Living before he spoke with People. In the course of the talk, it became clear that Jimmy doesn’t stay awake every day and that even though his loved ones pay him regular visits, they are unable to predict his emotional state.

Jimmy Carter, who built the house with his late wife Rosalynn Carter in 1961, entered hospice care in February 2023. Rosalynn tragically lost away at their house in November 2023. She was ninety-six.

Expressing the difficulty in trying to understand what his grandfather must be going through being in hospice without his beloved wife by his side, Jason stated, “After 77 years of marriage… I just think none of us really understand what it’s like for him right now. We have to embrace […] that there’s things about the spirit that you just can’t understand.”

According to Jason, Jimmy admitted in the same Southern Living interview that he had told people he didn’t know how his grandfather was doing because it was difficult to determine how he was doing. “And he kind of smiled and he said, ‘I don’t know, myself,'” disclosed Jason about the conversation.

Source: Flickr

Jason also admitted that when his grandfather had first entered hospice, their family thought it would only be a matter of days before he passed. However, he expressed, “God had other plans.”

Regarding the decision for Jimmy to receive care at his home in Plains, Jason explained, “[Plains] is the place that has given him the greatest support, and it is the only place where he would go through this part of his life […] it is a fundamental part of […] who he has been for his whole life. There is no other place in the world that he would be at peace other than Plains.”

Given his prolonged stay in hospice care and his physical restrictions, Jason had previously stated that his grandfather might feel a little frustrated at times. However, he also emphasized, “But he also has been able to experience that level of love.”

As previously stated, Jason provided People with his most recent updates regarding his grandfather during Jimmy’s centenary birthday celebration on September 17 at Atlanta’s iconic Fox Theatre.

On August 1st, 2024, the Carter Center website first revealed details of the music extravaganza. Notable musicians Chuck Leavell, D-Nice, Eric Church, Drive-By Truckers, and The Atlanta Symphony Orchestra Chamber Chorus were among those who were expected to deliver great performances.

Of the event, which was open to the public, and what music means to his grandad, Jason said, “Whether it was on his record player, on the campaign trail, or on the White House lawn, music has been—and continues to be—a source of joy, comfort, and inspiration for my grandfather. I can think of no better way to celebrate him and his 100th birthday than a night of music.”

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