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Grandma’s Will Left Me Nothing Until I Found Her Secret Plan

Off The Record

Grandma’s Will Left Me Nothing Until I Found Her Secret Plan

I believed I would inherit the farm after Grandma passed away. Felicity, my cousin, who only sees monetary signs, received it instead. All I got was an enigmatic letter and the opportunity to remain on the property for the time being. But this isn’t as simple as it sounds, and I’m going to do whatever it takes to find the truth.

When he concluded reading the will, the attorney’s voice trailed off. A thick, icy grasp took hold of my chest. Felicity now owned the farm, which was our family’s heart and soul.

Felicity, my cousin, never stayed here for longer than a weekend.

How many times did I get up before the sun came up to help Grandma with the plants or animals?

How many exhausting days did I have to work in the fields with the heat baking my skin while Felicity just used the farm as a gorgeous backdrop for her social media posts?

Source: Midjourney

“Are you okay, Diana?” the attorney softly said, breaking the ice.

My palms trembled as I opened the letter he handed me.

Grandma’s penmanship flickered in front of my eyes:

“Dearest Diana,

This is your chance to make a decision, if you are reading this. I am aware that you adore this farm and that it has always been an integral part of both my life and yours. However, I had to be certain that its real caregiver would show up. Felicity has my will regarding the farm, but you have permission to stay here for however long you like.

It cannot be sold as long as you stay on the property. My love, please be patient. In three months, the second element of my will will become clear.


Source: Midjourney


Why did she not give me the farm right away?

Did she not believe in me?

I cast a quick peek at Felicity, who was already beaming with anticipation. She was whispering to Jack, her spouse. I could hear bits and pieces of their talk, but not all of it.

“Sell it… quick profit… developers…”

Source: Midjourney

They were indifferent even. To them, it was all simply numbers. I found it intolerable.

“Diana, take the money. And go out of here,” Felicity subsequently extended an offer to me.

“It’s a significant sum. You may live in a pleasant apartment in the city.”

“This isn’t about money, Felicity. It’s about family.”

Felicity shrugged, showing no interest at all. This was merely business to her. But this farm was my childhood home, where Grandma instilled in me a love of hard work and perseverance.

I woke up that night with visions of the farm racing through my head. I understood my obligations. I had asked for a leave of absence from my employment in the city by the next morning. To feel the ground beneath my feet, I had to be there.

Source: Midjourney

Felicity grinned and gave me the keys. She couldn’t wait to get rid of the obligations.

The farm days were filled with endless tasks. I dragged myself out of bed before dawn every morning, moaning at the prospect of the chores that lay ahead.

“How did Grandma do this?” I wondered myself as I was feeding the cows.

I scratched behind Daisy’s ears and said, “Morning, Daisy,” to the cow nearest me. “Ready for breakfast?”

She gave me a gentle prod.

Source: Midjourney

“You’re the only one who listens to me, you know that?”

It was meager solace amidst the never-ending toil, but it sustained me. While making sure the goats were situated and feeding the chickens, I hurried around. I was already thinking about the next task when I was done.

As soon as I finished mending the fence, I heard Mr. Harris coming.

“Need help again?”

“Mr. Harris, you’ve saved a life. This fence seems to be harboring resentment toward me.”

He laughed and put his tools down.

Source: Midjourney

“Nah, it just needs a firm hand. You gotta show it who’s boss.”

He got to work on the fence and demonstrated to me how to strengthen the posts.

“Your grandma used to say, ‘A good fence makes a happy farm.'”

“She never warned me that it would drive me insane,” I whispered as I wiped the perspiration from my forehead.

He chuckled. She didn’t mean to scare you away. Diana, but, you’re doing well. You are concerned, which is half the fight.

“Are you half the battle? What is the remaining half?” With real curiosity, I asked.

His demeanor was attentive as he gazed at me.

Source: Midjourney

“Sticking it out when things get tough. This farm isn’t just land, you know. It’s got a soul.”

I felt a knot in my throat as I nodded. “I just hope I’m doing it justice.”

He gave me a shoulder pat. “Yes, you are. greater than you realize.”

I smelled something odd later that evening as the sky turned smokey orange.


I froze as I turned toward the farmhouse. Flames that were licking the roof were getting bigger and angrier by the second.

Source: Midjourney

“No! No!”

I rushed, yelling as loud as I could, dropping everything. “Light up! Someone please assist!”

Although neighbors hurried over, the fire was too swift and ravenous. When I attempted to approach Mr. Harris, he grabbed my arm.

“Diana, it’s too dangerous!”

I said, “But the animals…”

He reassured me, “They’re safe.”

“Focus, Diana. You did your part. The animals are safe.”

I was powerless to stop the house from burning down. My breathing was labored and irregular, and my eyes were wide.

“It’s all gone,” I muttered.

Source: Midjourney

Felicity turned up early the following day. She shrugged, taking a quick look at the devastation.

“Well, this changes things, doesn’t it?”

“Felicity, the farm is still here even though the house is gone,” I murmured, straining to maintain my composure.

With a sly smile, she crossed her arms.

“And that’s exactly why it’s time to sell. Look around, Diana. This place is a disaster. It’s not worth the trouble.”

I clinched my hands at my sides and shook my head. You’re not understanding. This is not merely land.

“Perhaps to you,” she stated icily.

Source: Midjourney

“But to the rest of us? It’s a money pit. So, when are you planning to leave?”

I shot back, ‘I’m not leaving. “This is my home.”

Felicity scowled at the screen.


“Remain calm. Your employment has ended. Diana, you’re residing in a barn. A barn.”

“I’ll figure it out,” I firmly stated.

She looked at me pityingly.

Source: Midjourney

“You’re being stubborn. There’s nothing left here. Accept it and move on.”

She turned and left me standing there, dumbfounded and furious, after saying that. With trembling hands, I took out my phone and called my supervisor. Before he answered, the telephone continued to ring.

He said, “Diana, you’re late on your return,” without saying anything more.

“I need more time,” I said without thinking. “A fire broke out. The home is no longer there.”

A pause occurred. “I’m sorry to hear that, but we need you back by Monday.”

“Monday?” I gave up. “That’s… I can’t be back by then.”

“Then I’m afraid we can’t hold your position any longer.”

Source: Midjourney

“Wait, please…” I got started, then the connection ended.

Mr. Harris came walking up silently.

“You alright?”

“No,” I muttered. “I’m not. However, I’ll be alright. In some way.”

He put his hand on my shoulder and nodded.

“You’re stronger than you think, Diana. And this farm? It’s stronger, too. Don’t give up just yet.”

I observed the animals, the smoking remnants of the farmhouse, and the barn. I loved this town, but Felicity wanted me to leave.

“I’m not going,” I said again, feeling more determined.

Source: Midjourney

Mr. Harris whispered softly, “You can’t stay here like this.” “At my house, I have a spare room. You are welcome to remain there while you work things out.”

His generosity almost brought me to tears.

“Thank you, Jack.”

The most difficult weeks of my life were those that followed. I got up every morning with the sun, my body hurting from working so hard the day before. I was the soldier in this battleground that had become the farm.

I used my hands to plow the land, plant crops, and fix fences that had almost collapsed. The animals ended up becoming my lifelong friends; they were with me mornings, afternoons, and nights. They trusted me to take care of them, and I reciprocated by having a purpose.

Jack, also known as Mr. Harris, was a constant presence, providing support, guidance, and perhaps just a nice word.

Source: Midjourney

“This fence again, huh?” he would ask, grinning, before getting his hands dirty to assist.

He taught me skills like reading the land, listening to the animals, and recognizing impending storms by feeling the air, which I could not have acquired from any book.

We were sitting on the porch one evening after a hard day at work, when the smell of newly cut grass filled the air.

Jack remarked, “You’ve done good, Diana,” as he surveyed the fields. “Your grandma would be proud.”

I nodded while gazing out to sea.

“I finally understand. Why she did what she did.”

“She knew this place needed someone who’d love it as much as she did,” Jack responded. “And that someone was always you.”

My universe expanded to include the farm. It was the missing piece of what my city life and career had left behind.

The day finally arrived to read the second portion of the will. I entered the attorney’s office, trembling with nerves.

Felicity was there already, wearing a smug, uninterested expression. Her spouse was seated next to her, tapping his foot irritably. There was tension in the room.

The attorney unlocked the sealed envelope, skimming the letter with his eyes before starting to read aloud:

Source: Midjourney

“My dear Felicity and Diana,”

“The time has come for the farm to locate its proper protector, if you are hearing this. Felicity, I understand that you might not believe me, but I always wanted the farm to go to the person who genuinely takes care of it.”

Felicity became pale.

She cried, “This is ridiculous!” “She set the house on fire! She is not a success!”

Jack, my companion, got up out of the blue.

He handed a receipt to the attorney and remarked, “I think it’s time we tell the truth,”

“I saw Felicity near the farm on the day of the fire. She was seen purchasing gasoline from the local store that afternoon.”

“This evidence suggests otherwise, Ms. Felicity.”

Source: Midjourney

Alright! I was that person! My sister had to be helped to move out by someone.

Piece by piece, the truth was revealed as I watched.

Felicity had turned to arson because she was so determined to get rid of me and sell the property. She had attempted to ruin everything I had worked so hard to protect.

At last, the attorney declared, “Diana, the farm is officially yours.”

I became accustomed to my duty as the farm’s protector as the days went by. I felt more connected to Grandma than ever as I took care of the land and the animals the way she had. Everywhere she was, in the fields, the barns, and in the wind rustling the leaves, her presence was present.

“Now that things have settled, how about that dinner I promised you?” Jack asked me one evening.

“Jack, you know what? I believe I now have the time.”

We set plans, and I felt a flutter of excitement for the first time in months. The property represented my past, present, and possibly even my future, all because of Jack.

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