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15 True Stories That Convinced Us That Angels Are Real In The World

Off The Record

15 True Stories That Convinced Us That Angels Are Real In The World

Occasionally a single act of compassion can restore our faith in life and improve a terrible day. Today, we’re sharing with you touching, true tales of strangers—or near-strangers—filling in with acts of kindness just when people needed them most. It will warm your heart, so get ready for a dose of positive energy.

Original posts are rewritten for originality…

Source: Pexels


I was a really impoverished child. I ended up staying for dinner at a classmate’s house when I was thirteen. The sight of the beautiful roast on the table made my mouth swim. I took a mouthful as everyone started to eat, but I was frozen by her mother’s piercing stare. She said in front of everyone, “Did you really take that little? That is far from sufficient!”

She snatched my plate and piled it high with food before I could respond. She must have realized how much that lunch meant to me since I was both shocked and moved. I enjoyed every morsel of the delectable meal. Everyone at the table continued to stare at me while I ate.

I was shocked to see my friend’s mother at our house when I got home from school the following day. She and my mother had never met before. My mother’s face was red.

“Mrs. Cooper brought us a Sunday roast because she knew how much you liked it,” she continued, turning to face me. When I entered the kitchen, I noticed that our refrigerator was full of food and fresh produce. Despite her shyness and obvious embarrassment, my mother was unable to conceal her joy.

Mrs. Cooper and my mother grew close over time. She began coming to see us on a regular basis with her family, and what started out as a simple supper became into a wonderful relationship that I will always cherish.


My father works as an oncologist. He would volunteer in a remote hospital one day a week. He would prescribe a certain medication to his patients who complained of uncomfortable stomachs. He was informed by some of them that it was beyond of their budget.

They were too proud to take charity, he knew from experience. He therefore had a nurse stockpile that medication and began giving it to his patients on the pretense that he had gotten “free samples.” © _h***yowlscissors/ Reddit


My mom, my brothers, and I were having lunch at a restaurant. Growing up, we didn’t have much, so Sunday lunches were quite important. Just a mother and her three boys, nothing special.

The waitress informed my mom that the couple at the adjacent table had already paid the bill when she asked for it. I can still clearly recall that at the age of almost forty. © thiswasneverthat0927 / Reddit

Source: Pexels


A frequent customer of mine was upgrading his alto flute, so I offered to buy his old one from him since I had been wanting one for a while. He gave me the weekend to consider whether I truly wanted it and how much I was willing to spend.

In the end, he gave it to me as a present. Then, three weeks later, he died suddenly. Tom, rest in peace. One of the greatest persons I’ve ever met was you. © Hoodwink_Iris / Reddit


I discovered there was just one seat left on the overbooked airplane while I was returning home from Basic Training to celebrate Christmas with my family. In front of me, a couple was arguing over who should take it.

“You should take it; it’s your family,” the man remarked. I’ll take a flight later. The woman then turned to face me and inquired about my destination. I said I was returning home to visit my family and my pregnant wife. Then she instructed the woman behind the counter to give me the remaining seat.

My entire family wasn’t upset, even though it turned out to be my dad’s final Christmas. © jackfaire / Reddit


A young man in his 20s offered to help me load 50-pound sacks of salt into my cart at Costco while I was in my late 50s. I could have easily finished because I’m fairly fit, but the offer was very considerate. I thanked him after he loaded my trolley.

The thought of a stranger helping me in that way still makes me a little teary-eyed. © Caltrano / Reddit


Once, while traveling across the nation, I ran out of gas. For more than four hours, a lot of automobiles simply drove by me. At last, a man paused to see how I was doing. I told him I didn’t have any money or petrol. He simply turned around and walked away.

He returned ten minutes later and filled up my car with gas. After making sure it started, he departed. I was having some bad thoughts, and that person saved my life. © fatninjainvegas / Reddit

Source: Pexels


An elderly woman allowed me to spend a few hours warming up in her apartment when I was homeless and it was chilly outdoors. She prepared hot tea and food for me. I will always remember her as a true blessing.

Oh, and I nearly forgot: she handed me $300 for a few days’ lodging and some food money just before I left. © adrenaline_ju***e3 / Reddit


When I went to the grocery shop to buy lunch during my break from work, my card was denied. My lunch cost about $5, and the person behind me gave the clerk $20 and demanded that I retain the change.

I was eighteen, living alone in a new city after moving away from home, and generally struggling. I still cry when I think of this, even though it was ten years ago. She didn’t realize how much that day’s random act of kindness meant to me. © Coffeeandbunnies / Reddit


After going through a challenging and emotionally taxing encounter with my ex, I was eating breakfast with my youngest in a restaurant while fighting back tears.

A nice woman approached and gently placed a tissue in my palm. Up until that point, I felt like I was the only person experiencing my suffering. I was saved by that moment. © Hinsan2 / Reddit


When I was eight years old, my mother and I were traveling by train to the hospital for eye surgery. I was discussing the procedure with my mother while listening to music on my CD Walkman. The man in front of me must have sensed my nervousness because he offered me the Michael Bublé CD album he had purchased for his wife that morning as a present.

I vividly recall our conversation. It brightened my day, and I was so relieved that I forgot about my nervousness. That CD is still with me. © KieraPS / Reddit

Source: Pexels


I didn’t have enough food, so a cashier at my neighborhood grocery shop paid for them. I felt guilty since I ought to have looked at my bank account to see how much money I had in advance. © Safe_Pin237 / Reddit


My parents dropped me off in the mall to meet up with my girlfriend when I was fifteen or sixteen years old. After a brief dispute, she abruptly left me, dashing straight into the arms of a man she knew—in front of me.

I was so distraught that I contacted my parents at least thirty times without getting a response. A child in the grade above me approached me as I was ready to begin the eight-mile walk home and inquired about my condition. He made me feel as though my life had not ended and drove me home. Brian, thank you. © clappedhams / Reddit


A crowded, sweaty, and uncomfortable tram ride to work on a sweltering summer day in Prague without air conditioning. Despite my profuse perspiration, the car was so crowded that I was unable to even reach my handkerchief.

An elderly woman gave me a smile and gave me a napkin from her handbag while I stood there feeling depressed. I was quite grateful to her. © FingerprintFile513 / Reddit


While I was in between classes in high school, I was having a very awful day. A girl grinned at me as she passed. After that, we would smile at each other as we passed each other every day and begin to say hello, but that was it. We never really had time to chat.

One time, I spotted her at a hockey game. Even though I didn’t know her name, it was amusing that after a few minutes of genuine conversation, she told my buddies she was a school friend. © Living-Rip-4333 / Reddit

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