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In Leaked Air Traffic Control Recordings, A US Air Force Pilot Describes A Close Encounter With A UFO

Off The Record

In Leaked Air Traffic Control Recordings, A US Air Force Pilot Describes A Close Encounter With A UFO

According to leaked air traffic control recordings, a US Air Force pilot reportedly had a near encounter with a UFO.

On September 17 of last year, an experienced Air Force pilot claimed to have easily passed a “football-sized” UFO while operating a Beechcraft 350 C on a covert trip through a controlled airspace in California.

On a clear afternoon at 2:30 p.m. that day, the jet, which was at 20,000 feet, nearly collided with the mysterious object, according to his call with air traffic control, which NewsNation was able to receive through a leak.

Source: Twitter

The controller hears the pilot, who is named as Troy 21, say, “This is going to sound weird, but I just had something pass underneath my wing.”

He continued: “Maybe a football-sized object right under my wing.”

The strange scene, which depicts a cylindrical-looking object speeding past the jet, is recreated in animated film.

According to the news source, the event happened when the plane was engaged in a secret Department of Homeland Security military mission.

Source: Freepik

he air traffic controller could be heard asking the pilot if he thought it was a drone, to which he replied: “Uh, I have no idea. I’ve got my sensor operator looking for it on the camera right now.”

“It was like a dark gray cylindrical object and it was probably the size of a football and it passed maybe 10 feet under our right wing,” he stated.

The airman monitored the item for almost two minutes and calculated that it had traveled around sixty miles from where he was at the time.

Another air traffic controller talks about the ‘UFO’ sightings later in the leaked recording before stating: “[T]hat’s all taken care of now.”

According to Ben Hansen, a former FBI agent and UFO investigator who published the audio exclusively on Banfield, the plane had a “very sensitive and complex radar array” that was used to follow drug traffickers.

Additionally, he pointed out that the encounter was noteworthy because the object was flying through a controlled airspace in a region where there was no recorded air activity.

“So when they called this thing in […] it’s broad daylight, they got a good look at this thing,” Hansen continued, “This cylindrical, dark object that passes underneath their wing so close, so I mean obviously you can see there are big problems with that happening in a controlled air space like they were, and they weren’t notified of any air traffic that was supposed to be in the area.”

Given that it was in a regulated area, Hansen said it was doubtful that the enigmatic item, which was moving quickly and at a high altitude, was a drone.

Source: Twitter

He said: “It could be, it’d be very rare, but hobby drones can go up that high, obviously military can as well. This occurred near what we call military operations area but it was not in that airspace.”

“So anyone who was flying something to test a commercial type of drone or something would’ve had to call in.”

“The other thing that is very interesting about this is you hear them tracking this object about 60 miles away because they’ve got their own airborne radar and the pilot calls back.”

Hansen acknowledged that it is “debatable” if the radar could detect something that small at a distance of sixty miles, but he stated that “if true,” it would indicate that the object was traveling at Mach 2, which, in his view, would “absolutely eliminate” the drone scenario.

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