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I Couldn’t Get In Touch With My Husband For Days. Finally, My MIL Called Me And Told Me The Shocking Truth

Off The Record

I Couldn’t Get In Touch With My Husband For Days. Finally, My MIL Called Me And Told Me The Shocking Truth

When Abbie’s husband disappears without a trace and leaves behind a mysterious message, her entire world is turned upside down. A few days later, Abbie receives a call from her mother-in-law, who shares a startling secret that completely shocks her. Matthew, where are you?

“Matthew? You’re not amusing. Where are you?” Anticipating his voice from a different room, I yelled out.

However, other from the slight hum of the refrigerator, the home was quiet.

I saw a note on the kitchen table, and my heart began to race.

“Don’t search for me,” it said.

Source: Midjourney

Hoping it was a poor joke, I gazed at the note. This felt different from Matthew’s love of pranks. I reached for my phone and tried to call him, but it went straight to voicemail.

I said, “Matthew, call me back,” while attempting to maintain a steady tone. “This isn’t funny.”

Next, I called his mother. “Hello, this is Abbie. Has Matthew gotten back to you?”

“No, dear,” said Claire. “Is everything alright?”

Source: Midjourney

“It is, indeed. I apologize; I assume he simply went for a stroll.”

I hung up and called James, his best friend.

James and I were both worried. “No, Abbie, we haven’t heard from him,” he answered.

Matthew never came back.

“Where’s Daddy?” the children asked repeatedly.

Source: Midjourney

I had no idea how to respond to them. Eventually, with the message in my hand, I went to the police.

With the message he left, “Ma’am, we can’t start a search,” the officer stated.

“But he’s missing!” I objected, a knot forming in my throat. “What if something happened to him?”

The policeman gave a headshake. “I apologize, but adults are free to vanish if they so want. Nothing we can do will help.”

I felt alone and powerless when I left the station.

Source: Midjourney

I came home to our comfortable suburban home, which was now eerily empty. I gathered the kids in the living room.

I said, “Kids, I need to tell you something,” in a trembling voice. “Daddy is… he’s gone away for a while.”

“Why, Mommy?” inquired my youngest.

“I don’t know, sweetheart,” I said, embracing her. “But we have to be strong, okay?”

Tears and unresolved questions filled the days that followed.

Source: Midjourney

I could see Matthew everywhere in the home.

The jacket he always wore is still hanging in the closet, his shoes are by the entrance, and his favorite coffee mug is on the counter.

It was difficult for me to maintain things normal for the children. My heart ached a little more each time they inquired about their father.

After that, my mother-in-law called me one day.

Source: Midjourney

Her voice broke the stillness of the room as she said, “If you want to know the truth, promise me you won’t tell Matthew anything,” via the FaceTime conversation.

“A pledge? What is happening?” A knot in my stomach tightened as I asked.

“This is Matthew at my place.” She started, “With his mistress and their newborn baby.”

I was appalled.

Source: Midjourney

“Matthew told me to keep it a secret from you, Abbie,” according to her. “He brought his mistress here since she had nowhere else to go. He intends to rent them an apartment by using funds from your joint account. He informed me that he intended to remain with his mistress and file for divorce from you. She’s only 19 years old.”

It seemed as if the earth had suddenly been lifted from beneath me.

Tears clouded my vision as I tried to understand what she was saying.

“He… he’s what?” I stumbled.

Source: Midjourney

“I’m sorry for lying to you about his whereabouts and not telling the truth earlier,” she said. Since he’s my son, I wasn’t sure what to do. It took me a while to consider everything. However, you are also a member of my family and the mother of my grandchildren, whom I adore. I choose to be honest with you for that reason. You still have time, Abbie. For the benefit of your children, you can save money and choose a lawyer.

Anger, betrayal, and heartbreak were all rushing through me, and I was trembling.

As I tried to calm my voice, I said, “I can’t believe this,” “I appreciate you telling me. I have to keep myself and my kids safe.”

Source: Midjourney

I hung up the phone and sat in startled silence as the truth of my predicament hit me hard. My beloved and trusted man, Matthew, was preparing to leave us for another lady.

The children knew something wasn’t right. With bewildered large eyes, my youngest said, “Mommy, where’s Daddy?”

I pulled her into a close embrace and murmured, “He’s not coming back, sweetheart,” “But we have each other, and we’ll be okay.”

Source: Midjourney

My mother-in-law told me something that I found hard to accept, but I had to keep going for the sake of my children. I called a lawyer right away.

We were talking about my alternatives when I got a call from an unidentified number. I was hesitant to respond.

With caution, I said, “Hello?”

Source: Midjourney

“Hello, Abbie? It’s Lisa. Matthew has been seeing a woman named me.” “I must speak with you,” the voice on the other end said.

A shiver went through my body. “How dare you!” I lost my temper. “How dare you call me?”

“Just come see me, please. You have to be aware of something significant.” She begged, “It’s about your family.”

I was furious. If I hadn’t heard the hopelessness in her voice, I never would have consented to see her face.

Source: Midjourney

“All right. Where would you like to meet up?” I inquired.

“Are you familiar with the former café on Street 8? It’s 6 p.m. Is that effective?”

I entered the café at precisely six o’clock in the evening, looking around for her. I found it hard to believe Matthew could have dated a girl so young when I first saw Lisa’s photo.

She had already arrived at a booth in the corner.

She said, “Thank you for coming,” and I took a seat.

Source: Midjourney

I inquired, “Why did you want to meet?”

“I didn’t realize Matthew would leave you in this manner, even though he told me he was going to do so.” She started, “I didn’t agree to any of this.”

“Why should I believe you?” I folded my arms defensively and inquired.

She took out a stack of papers from within her bag.

Source: Midjourney

“Matthew sent these emails and messages. I know that the terrible things he stated about you are untrue. He has been playing tricks on us both.”

I picked up the newspaper and started reading.

When I saw the lies and dishonesty exposed, my hands shook with anger. “I can’t believe this,” I shook my head and murmured.

Lisa gave me a serious look. “He intends to rob you of everything. However, I don’t want to be involved. I’d like to assist you.”

Source: Midjourney

“Why are you doing this?” Stunned, I inquired.

“Because I was unaware of his true nature until it was too late.” With tears in her eyes, she added, “I want to make things right, at least in a little way.”

I noticed the sincere regret and despair on her face as I gazed at her. Perhaps she was being honest.

Source: Midjourney

Slowly, “Alright,” I said. “We must collect as much proof as we can if you are sincere about assisting. I have to safeguard my kids and ensure our future.

We talked about our plan for the following hour. We began to develop an unexpected alliance after Lisa gave us additional information about Matthew’s plots.

Although it felt strange to put my trust in the woman who had dated my husband, her willingness to help encouraged me.

Source: Midjourney

I was sitting in my lawyer’s office the following morning.

“Together, we must face him. But first, I have to make sure he can’t steal any more from us and secure my funds,” I told Kate, my lawyer.

“With the information Lisa provided, we can freeze the joint accounts and protect your assets,” she reassured me.

We went over the specifics one by one.

Source: Midjourney

In order to secure my assets and freeze our joint accounts, Kate completed the required documentation.

I knew we needed to be meticulous, but it felt like we were racing against the clock.

All of the information Lisa provided us with was extremely essential.

I was sitting at the kitchen table one evening with papers all over the place.

Source: Midjourney

To assist with the children, my mother-in-law had come over. She sat down opposite me and handed me a cup of tea.

Then she said, “You’re doing the right thing, Abbie,” “I am so sorry for what my son is putting you through.”

“Claire, Matthew is solely responsible for the current situation.” “Not even Lisa saw this coming,” I said, taking a drink of my tea. “I’m so grateful to you for your support.”

“You’re stronger than you think,” she murmured, holding my hand in a comforting manner. “I’m always with you, okay?”

The day finally arrived when everything was ready. Taking a big breath, Lisa and I approached my mother-in-law’s door. The police trailed closely behind, prepared to put our legal actions into effect.

Source: Midjourney

Matthew was startled to see us when he looked up as we entered.

His gaze flitted between Lisa and me as he demanded, “Abbie, what are you doing here?”

decisively, “It’s over, Matthew,” I stated. “Everything is known to us. Your deception, your treachery, your schemes. You will not escape punishment.”

“What is this? You cannot harm me in this way!” he yelled, his face flushed with rage.

With a calm yet determined voice, Lisa took a step forward. “We’ve already done so. You won’t do harm to anybody else.”

Source: Midjourney

Presenting the necessary documents, the police officers took up residence.

Mr. Johnson, you must accompany us. One of them stated, “A restraining order and an order to leave the premises are being served to you.”

Matthew’s confidence crumbled as he looked about. He mumbled, “This isn’t fair,” his voice faltering as he searched for a way to escape the circumstance.

I said, “Oh, it’s perfectly fair, ex-husband,” while displaying the divorce documents. “You made your choices, and now you face the consequences.”

Source: Midjourney

I felt a mixture of relief and fatigue as the officers led him away. I went to my mother-in-law and Lisa, who were there for me no matter what.

I answered, “Thank you,” with tears of relief running down my cheeks. “I couldn’t have done this without you two.”

I was crying once more, but this time it was tears of thankfulness and hope. The time had come to rebuild and go on.

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