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I Met My Fiancé’s Parents For The First Time At A Restaurant, But What They Did Made Me Turn Down The Wedding

Off The Record

I Met My Fiancé’s Parents For The First Time At A Restaurant, But What They Did Made Me Turn Down The Wedding

I had assumed that meeting my fiancé’s parents would be a simple next step in our relationship, but after one terrible dinner, I learned the reality about Richard’s life. I had no option but to call off the wedding at the end of that evening.

I never imagined that I would be the one to cancel a wedding. But doesn’t life have a tendency of taking you by surprise?

I’m one of those people who would rather discuss important decisions with friends and family and get their opinions before making them. I simply knew I had to do this this time, though.

Source: Midjourney

What transpired at the restaurant that day was unexpected, so I realized I had to call off the wedding.

Let me tell you a little bit about Richard, my husband, before we talk about that day. When he started as a junior accounting executive, I got to know him at work. I’m not sure what it was about him that drew me in. Something that immediately caught my attention.

Richard was the epitome of a good-looking man. A pleasant grin, a fantastic sense of humor, and tall, fashionable hair. He swiftly gained popularity in the office, and we soon found ourselves conversing over coffee breaks.

About seven weeks after he joined, we began dating, and I quickly came to the conclusion that he was the ideal companion for me. Kind, responsible, confident, and solution-focused. A clumsy woman like me needed a man like that.

Source: Midjourney

Our romance progressed quickly. Now that I think about it, it’s way too quick. Six months after we first started dating, Richard proposed, and I was so engrossed in our frenzied romance that I said yes without hesitation.

Except for the fact that I hadn’t yet met his parents, everything about him seemed ideal. Richard always came up with a reason why we couldn’t go to their home state. However, they demanded to meet me as soon as they learned of our engagement.

Richard reassured me, “They’re going to love you,” while holding my hand. “I’ve booked us a table at that fancy new place downtown for Friday night.”

Source: Midjourney

I was in a frenzy for the following few days. What am I supposed to wear? What if they didn’t like me? What if Richard is told to leave me?

Before deciding on a timeless black dress, I believe I tried around a dozen different looks. I wanted to appear elegant without being overdressed.

I got ready when I arrived home early from work on Friday. natural hair, a small purse, gorgeous black heels, and no makeup. I wanted it to be appropriate for the situation but still basic. Richard came right away to pick me up.

Source: Midjourney

His smile, which I loved, stated, “You look gorgeous, babe!” “Ready?”

In an attempt to relax, I nodded. “I really hope they like me.”

Holding my hand, he said, “They will, babe,” “After all, you possess every quality a parent may look for in a companion for their child. You are very remarkable on the inside.”

Even though I was somewhat relieved at that moment, I wasn’t prepared for the drama that was going to happen.

When we finally made it inside the restaurant a few minutes later, I was astounded. Soft piano music filled the room as crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Even the water cups appeared pricey in this type of establishment.

Source: Midjourney

Richard’s parents were seated at a table close to the window. As we got closer, his mother, Isabella, a small woman with neatly combed hair, got to her feet. Daniel, his father, who appeared to be very strict, was still sitting there.

Ignoring me entirely, his mother cooed, “Oh, Richard!” as we walked up to her. After giving Richard a firm embrace, she kept him at arm’s length. “You appear very frail. Have you shed some pounds? Do you eat enough?

Awkwardly, I stood there until Richard recalled me.

“Mom, Dad, this is Clara, my fiancée.”

Source: Midjourney

His mother gave me a thorough examination.

“Oh yes, hello dear,” she said with a smile that fell short of her eyes.

His dad merely grunted.

I made an effort to strike up conversation as we sat down.

“I’m very glad to have met you two at last. I’ve heard so much about you from Richard.”

Source: Midjourney

A waiter arrived with menus before either of them could reply. I saw Richard’s mother bending in his direction as we examined them.

“Oh, sweetie,” she whispered loudly, “do you want Mommy to place your order? I understand how having too many options might make you feel overwhelmed.”

What the fuck did I think?

Isabella was treating Richard like he was eight years old, even though he was thirty. To my amazement, though, he simply nodded. I was mistaken to think that he would urge her to stop treating him like a baby.

According to him, “Thanks, Mom,” “You know what I like.”

Source: Midjourney

Richard was preoccupied with his mother, so I tried to get his attention. Then she ordered the priciest items for them both from the menu. A $200 bottle of wine, prime rib, and lobster.

I placed my order for a straightforward pasta dish when it was my turn. I was too surprised to be particularly hungry.

Daniel finally spoke to me directly as we were waiting for our food.

“So, Clara,” he continued in a rough voice. “What are your intentions with our son?”

My water nearly swallowed me. “I’m sorry?”

Source: Midjourney

“Well, you intend to wed him, don’t you? How are you going to care for him? He can’t sleep without his own pillow, and you know that he requires his things ironed precisely.”

I expected Richard to intervene and warn his father that this was improper as I glanced at him. However, he remained mute and sat there.

“I… uhh…” I stumbled. “We haven’t really discussed those details yet.”

Source: Midjourney

Isabella stepped in and said, “Oh, you’ll need to learn quickly, dear,” “Our Richie has very specific tastes. Every day at precisely six o’clock, he needs his food, and don’t even consider giving him veggies. He refuses to touch them.”

Well, I thought, I didn’t sign up for this. What was happening? Why didn’t Richard tell his parents anything? He allowed them to treat him like a baby, but why?

Source: Midjourney

The server then brought the dinner, sparing me from having to answer for a time. Richard’s parents were still fussing over him as we ate.

When Isabella cut the steak for him and Daniel kept urging him to use his napkin, I was astounded. I was taken aback.

I sat there picking at my pasta because, as I had anticipated, I had lost my appetite. I couldn’t stop wondering why I hadn’t anticipated this. When Richard and I were dating, why had he been so hesitant to go to his parents’ house?

Source: Midjourney

I began to understand all of his justifications.

I breathed a sigh of relief as the lunch came to an end, knowing that the worst was over. Not quite yet. The culmination of the horror supper had just arrived.

Isabella grabbed the bill from the waiter before anyone else could see it. To be honest, I assumed she did that out of courtesy and not wanting me to pay, but what she said next caused me to gape at her.

“Well, dear, I think it’s only fair we split this 50/50, don’t you?” She gave me a smile. “After all, we’re family now.”

Source: Midjourney

I had ordered a $20 pasta dish, and they had bought hundreds of dollars’ worth of food and drink. They wanted me to pay half now? Absolutely not!

I was shocked and turned to face Richard, silently begging him to speak. It was my expectation that he would defend me by telling his mother how silly she sounded. But instead of looking at me, the man simply sat there.

Everything became quite evident in that instant. This was more than just a fancy supper. If I got married to Richard, this was my future. I would also marry his parents.

Source: Midjourney

I inhaled deeply before getting to my feet.

“Actually,” I said steadily, “I think I’ll just pay for my own meal.”

I took out my wallet and put enough money on the table to pay for my spaghetti plus a nice tip while Richard and his parents stared at me.

“But…” Isabella objected. “We’re family!”

“No, we’re not,” I responded, meeting her gaze directly. “And we’re not going to be.”

Source: Midjourney

Richard finally looked up at me when I turned to face him. He appeared perplexed, as though he was unable to comprehend what was going on.

“Richard,” I whispered, “I love you.” “However, I don’t want this future. I’m not trying to find a kid to look after. I’m looking for a relationship. And you’re not ready to be that, in my opinion.”

Source: Midjourney

I put my engagement ring on the table after taking it off.

“I’m sorry, but the wedding is off.”

Leaving three astonished expressions in my wake, I turned and left the restaurant.

A burden was lifted from my shoulders as I went out into the refreshing night air. It was painful, yes. Yes, the situation at work was going to be awkward. However, I was certain that I had made the proper choice.

Source: Midjourney

I gave my bridal gown back the following morning.

The store employee inquired about my well-being while processing my reimbursement.

Feeling lighter than I have in months, I grinned. “You know what? It will be.”

As I was saying that, it occurred to me that leaving something that isn’t right for you is the boldest thing you can do. In the long run, it’s the most considerate thing you can do for yourself, even though it might sting right now.

Do you agree?

Source: Midjourney

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