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If You Have This Freckle On Your Arm Here’s What It Means

Off The Record

If You Have This Freckle On Your Arm Here’s What It Means

There’s a freckle on the back of your wrist, right where it meets your hand, if you were to look at it with unwavering clarity.

In fact, you might notice this same blemish in the exact same place if you stealthily glance at the backs of the hands of those in your immediate vicinity.

Declaring yourself and your pal ‘freckle friends’ should help diffuse any awkward situations if they catch you staring, but there’s a solid reason why so many people have one here.

A number of explanations have been proposed regarding the frequent freckle, but dermatologist Dr. Joyce Park’s is one of the more likely ones.

She explained: “Freckles are basically areas of the skin where you have more pigment or melanin deposition from UV radiation.”

“The forearms, the wrists and the hands are really common spots to get that exposure.”

“If you think about it, when you’re driving, that side of your wrist and hand are just constantly being exposed to sunlight, even if you’re wearing sleeves.”

Source: Twitter

That makes a lot of sense since, try as you might to hide your hands and wrists from the sun, they will still likely be visible.

Furthermore, when applying sunscreen, do you remember to cover your wrists and the backs of your hands, or do you overlook that small area of your skin?

But those scientists never stop coming up with theories, and someone else thought up another explanation for why people experience this.

Dr. Joshua Zeichner, another dermatologist, put forth an alternative theory.

“What we are actually seeing in these photos are moles or ‘beauty marks’,” he suggested. “These spots are harmless overgrowths of pigment producing cells, causing small brown spots on the skin.”

Source: Freepik

Since they are so widespread, almost everyone has “at least one mole on the arms.”

Although sun exposure may play a role, moles can appear anywhere on the body, so people may want to consider other areas of their bodies if they notice any similarities in the formation of freckles.

Dermatologists concur that it’s critical to take care of your skin, especially by routinely checking on freckles and moles.

Talk to the doctor as well if there are any changes to any of the freckles or moles.

It’s better to be safe than sorry.

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