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Shocking Moment King’s Guard Horse Bites Tourist So Hard That She Faits

Off The Record

Shocking Moment King’s Guard Horse Bites Tourist So Hard That She Faits

A visitor gained widespread attention on the internet when a video showed her getting too close to a King’s Guard horse and suffering a rather serious injury.

The King’s Guards have captivated visitors for a long time, and they always want to take pictures with the impeccable-dressed men and their magnificent horses.

Buska in The Park, a TikTok account, published a video over the weekend that quickly gained popularity. The stunning incident in which a woman was bitten by one of the stately King’s Guard horses was caught on camera.

For Illustration Purpose | Pexels

A sizable group of people are shown in the video congregating around the horse and waiting for their chance to take a picture.

The horse finally lost its temper and bit one of the tourists on the arm, looking plainly upset by the steady stream of admirers who were approaching.

For Illustration Purpose | Buska in The Park / TikTok.

The intimidating horse was shown posing near a number of tourists in the footage, but when one woman approached too closely, the beast bit her arm severely.

The woman suffered enough damage from the impact to fall to the ground, where she was given emergency medical assistance.

She fainted, and shortly after, many armed police officers showed up to see how she was doing.

Online comments to the incident were swift, with many individuals feeling that the tourists ought to have paid attention to the horse’s warnings.

For Illustration Purpose | Buska in The Park / TikTok.

“Four warnings that horse gave!” said one user.

“Play stupid games, win stupid prizes,” said someone another.

Many agreed that the woman should have done better than to ignore the obvious symptoms of the horse’s discomfort. “It’s her own fault,” one comment read, while another quipped, “So the horse tries to bite you; he misses, but then you go back in again—that’s crazy!”

Several remarks highlighted the multiple cautions about the dangers of approaching the horses too closely and showed a lack of sympathy for the tourist.

Someone joked, “There’s a souvenir to take home.”

Another commenter said, “It honestly blows my mind that people can’t read a horse’s body language or signs that clearly state that they will bite potentially and not to touch the reins. When are people going to learn regardless?”

One comment highlighted the repeated nipping by the horse as a clear warning: “It had already been nipping at people as a warning. Plus, there are signs everywhere. I feel bad she got hurt, but it’s her own fault.”

Another person expressed concern for the animals, saying, “I feel bad for the horses. It’s become a stressful environment for them now.”

This is not an isolated instance. Some visitors are nevertheless driven to approach the King’s Guard horses as closely as possible, even in spite of repeated warnings about the risks of horse kicks and bites.

Buska in the Park has uploaded multiple more videos of individuals getting bitten despite the obvious warnings. However, these moments do occasionally arise from relationships between humans and horses, serving as a reminder to everyone that these magnificent animals should always be treated with respect and caution.

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