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9 Things You Can Do Every Morning That Will Prepare You For Almost Everything


9 Things You Can Do Every Morning That Will Prepare You For Almost Everything

When the Sun rises again, it’s a new dawn and a new day. Life gives you a fresh start every 24 hours. It helps you to rejuvenate yourself. It offers you the chance to cleanse yourself of every mistake that you have made the previous day and start over.

Waking up every morning is quite the task, irrespective of one being a morning person or not. Life today is stressful for everyone and after an often incomplete night’s sleep, it is a little difficult to wake up completely energized and ready to face the struggles that the new day will bring with it

The key to conquer, and not just survive everyday, is to not quit or give up. I personally am no quitter, which is why, after years of waking up in the morning with adversity, I have come up with nine habits that help me get ready for everything that life can possibly throw at me throughout the day.

1. Get out of bed as soon as you wake up

Get out of bed the moment you wake up, because rolling around in bed will not help you feel any more energized than you woke up feeling. Getting straight out of bed will help you start your day on a high energy note.

2. Hydrate

The most important thing to remember is that, when you wake up after a night’s sleep that lasts roughly about 6-8 hours, your body is thirsty, so the first thing you need to do is quench your thirst. Have two glasses of water before you do anything. It is very beneficial for your body.

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3. Talk positively

As you wake up in the morning, say something positive out loud, something that fills you with passion and purpose to carry on with the rest of the day. When you do this, it fills you with a new energy and zest to take on everything that you might come across as you go about your day.

4. Move

When you get up in the morning, move about, and by moving I do not mean just walking around and just stretch, but actually jump and get real exercise done,; push ups, sit ups, jumping jacks and so on. If you spend about a full minute on each of these, you will find yourself not just physically, but mentally energized too. Your joints will loosen up and you will feel fresh.

5. A good breakfast

Just like your body did not get any water throughout the night, it did not get any food either. To kick start your day, you must have nourishing food that will pump you up and give you energy to make your day as you possibly can. Have a balanced breakfast that has adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, starch and fiber.

6. Be Grateful

If you start your day counting your blessings and thinking about everything that you are grateful for, it will help you block out the negativity and really focus on the good things in your life and the real things that make your life better. Starting your day on this positive note will ensure you have a good day.

7. Plan Ahead

As you begin your day, make a plan or a list of things that you have to do and stick to this list. Do not go back on the plans that you make and really get down to it until you complete everything. You will find that completing tasks on this list will fill you with motivation and a feeling of accomplishment.

8. Seek Wisdom

As you are getting ready to take the day on, read the newspaper, or listen to the news, read a few pages of a book. Do something that enriches your mind and makes you a little wiser than you were the day before. Our minds are calm in the morning, so gaining as much as knowledge as you can is the best way to start your day.

9. Smile

A smile lets optimism and happiness shine through! It will make you feel good and fill you with positivity. It will also make it easier for you to keep on smiling throughout your day.

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