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5 Reasons Why Some Men Prefer Slim Women

Off The Record

5 Reasons Why Some Men Prefer Slim Women

The qualities that men look for in a lady vary from person to person.

Some people favor women who apply cosmetics constantly, have artificial nails, have hair extensions, have particular physical characteristics, and so on.

Let’s now examine the reasons why some men favor thin women in particular:

1. Most people find slim women attractive:

Source: Freepik

It is true, indeed! has a taut physique, no folds, and arms and legs that are thin. Yes, they are pretty.

Their straight posture allows them to flaunt in high heels and wear body-fitting clothes with ease.

Not to mention when they’re wearing lingerie. (All OK, good-bye.)

2. People view slender women as more agile:

Source: Freepik

I don’t mean to be critical of my plus-size queens, but let’s be honest: guys are a big fan of slender gals.

They are, you know, lighter, easier to manage (in you know what) and so forth. Therefore, men who are just as active in bed would not want to be betrayed. Just consider how much it resembles Game of Thrones.

3. People typically view them as healthy:

Source: Freepik

Indeed, you may be rolling your eyes at this moment because you most likely know a skinny girl who consumes junk food like it’s no big deal and can’t even walk three blocks.

Yes, that’s exactly how my best friend is. However, men naturally want to believe they are healthier than plus-sized women because they are the ones with lower waistlines, flat stomachs, and quick steps like they are on the Victoria’s Secret runway. (I am aware that you rolled your eyes once more.)

4. Healthier kids are born to slim women:

Yes, they have less fat and are seen as healthy, so it’s as if their system is ready for anything.

The womb is said to be more robust and capable of carrying the fetus without any issues.

5. They are less likely to suffer from diabetes and heart attacks.

Source: Freepik

When your heart is healthy, fat-free, and your blood sugar is within normal limits, you are out of diabetes.

Although this is not to imply that thin women are immune to diabetes or heart attacks, their risk of experiencing a heart attack is reduced because they have less body fat.

Therefore, you might want to transform to a thin shape to get the attention of that guy you’re crushing on if he exclusively likes slim girls (just kidding, yourself).

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