Off The Record
14-Year-Old Sent This Heartbreaking Text To Mom Before Dying In A Mass Shooting And We Are Devastated
Prior to his death in a school mass shooting, a 14-year-old kid reportedly texted his mother. His sister, who is in mourning, has also discussed the incident.
Before he was discovered dead, one of the four victims of the mass shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, spoke with his mother from a lavatory. Ronald Clark, a chaplain and youth minister, disclosed this information along with how he attempted to assist in locating Mason Schermerhorn at the scene of the incident.
When Clark received a call from his wife on his way home on Wednesday morning, September 4, the shooting, it was when he was stopping at a store. He hurried to the high school and promptly offered assistance to law enforcement officers positioned at the command center.
After an hour, Clark started noticing all of the injured and shocked pupils, even though his job was to support the teams handling the investigation.

The chaplain, who dubbed the situation “challenging,” spoke about how he wanted to help everybody, but in realizing the magnitude of the situation, he stated, “It’s only so much that you can do.”
In an attempt to deal with the anguish they had endured, he also observed the bravery with which the survivors had shared their tales with him.

Clark, who works with Schermerhorn’s mother, tried to assist her in finding her son in the midst of the mayhem. The mother then confided in Clark that she thought Schermerhorn—who has autism—was doing alright.
“Hey, I can’t find him. I’m just here to pick him up. I know he’s safe. He texted me that he’s in the restroom. Can you please help?” recalled Clark of his interaction with the victim’s mom.
Assisting Schermerhorn’s mother, Clark carried a photo of the adolescent to the command post, where he discovered that the youngster was among the four confirmed deaths.

“It was hard, because we were just talking about her kids on Tuesday this week. She was saying that the bond and the connection she has with her kids is unbreakable,” remarked Clark.
The youth minister also highlighted what a great kid he was told Schermerhorn was, adding, “He […] loved life, didn’t have any issues with anyone. He was autistic, but that didn’t stop his glow.”

WSB-TV made public comments exchanged on Instagram between a 14-year-old boy and his mother yesterday, September 5. The message conveys to all in attendance how frightening and severe the event was, even if they did not reveal the identity of the youngster.
“School shooting rn. I’m scared, please; I’m not joking,” the boy reportedly texted his mom. When she let him know that she was leaving work, the heartbreaking reply of, “I love you,” followed. The boy’s answer to his mom asking where he was, was equally chilling.” “Class. Someone’s dead,” he wrote.
Colt Gray, the 14-year-old gunman, is expected to face adult charges of murder.
Following Schermerhorn’s passing, Alanna Wallace, his sister, spoke candidly about the tragedy with Brittany Edney of Fox 5 News.

Edney echoed Clark’s remarks, saying Wallace revealed her brother’s amazing character and the enormous impact he had on a great number of people.
Wallace, who shared endearing videos of Schermerhorn with Edney along with her family, also described the new interests Schermerhorn had taken up. He was taking trumpet lessons because he wanted to play the instrument like his older sister, who was an accomplished player.
Schermerhorn additionally cherished visiting theme parks and playing video games on his PS5. He also appreciated utilizing his VR headset to explore virtual dream worlds. Overall, Wallace said she couldn’t image her life without her late little brother and that he was an optimistic person who was full of vitality.
When asked what she wants the world to know about Schermerhorn, Wallace asserted, “That he loved everyone […] No matter what they had, what disabilities, he loved everyone for them.”
Regarding Wallace’s handling of the tragedy, Edney reported that the older sister expressed attempting to harness her younger brother’s positive spirit. She observed that despite being her younger sibling, Schermerhorn had the enthusiasm of a big brother and was fiercely protective of Wallace.
Additionally, Edney said that the sister had about eight friends who were rooting for her when she spoke with Wallace. Reminiscent about Schermerhorn’s life, the gang sat in a circle and ate donuts while assuring Wallace that they would always have her back. Wallace claimed that what is now keeping her going is this sense of camaraderie.

We send our sincere sympathies to the family of Schermerhorn as well as the other families affected by this terrible incident. In the midst of their loss, we hope for recovery. RIP to Schermerhorn and the other deceased victims.
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