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10 Startling Confessions From Children, Each Leaving Their Parents Deeply Unsettled

Off The Record

10 Startling Confessions From Children, Each Leaving Their Parents Deeply Unsettled

While adults usually consider our words carefully before speaking, children have no such filters.

They are fearless in their sharing of ideas and emotions.

This might result in uncomfortable admissions that make us wonder if they’re true or merely the creation of a child’s mind, or it can lead to humiliating discoveries that make parents blush.

This article’s stories feature a variety of shocking youngster confessions that have left their parents feeling incredibly uneasy.

(original confessions are rewritten for originality)


I was giving my son his bedtime tale one evening. He was perhaps four years old. I was reading when he said, “Is he bothering you?” “Who?” I inquired.
His words, “HIM, of course,” were directed toward the corner behind me. Nobody was present. I get spooked just thinking about it. © Reddit/LookForTheWhiteLight


My spouse used to drop off our 6-year-old son, Luke, at the home of his 22-year-old sitter early in the summer before heading off to work. My husband was unwell one Friday, so I dropped Luke off instead and went back to work. My son looked perplexed as he stepped out of the car and waited for me.

Source: Freepik

“Dad always comes up with me,” he responded in response to my question about why he wasn’t going inside. And while I play by myself in the playroom, he spends some time with the sitter. A shiver went through my body. My husband was meant to leave Luke’s place and head straight to work. How come he’d never mentioned using the sitter?

I addressed my husband that night. After a tight period, he revealed the truth—that he had been having an affair with the sitter for a month—and his face became pale. I knew I couldn’t continue in the marriage as my heart fell. My divorce was filed the following day.


My nine-year-old daughter said to the doctor, “Mommy says she can’t take it anymore,” during a normal check-up. Panic shot through me as the doctor gave me a worried look. I believed I was hiding my deep despair from my family, but I was really fighting with it. But it had been obvious to my daughter.

Her candor resulted in an instant intervention, and I was given a therapist’s referral. Our family became closer as a result of this vulnerable moment and our shared journey through my mental health.

Source: Pexels


My daughter was coloring when she was around six years old. The hues blended together and looked gloomy. I inquired about what she was drawing. “I’m coloring with black because that’s how I feel,” she continued, barely even raising her gaze to look at me. I shivered at the moment and spent some time sleeping with one eye open. © Reddit / RobMFVila


My kid was three when we moved to the woods for the first time. She began to talk about her “friends” all the time. I wasn’t sure who she was referring to because we hadn’t had any youngsters over.

She once replied, “In a hole in the ground behind our house,” when I asked her where her pals resided. She said, “Right here in the room with us,” when I asked her where they were at that moment. © Unidentified writer/Reddit

Source: Freepik


My six-year-old son proudly declared, “Grandpa says Daddy is lazy and doesn’t work hard,” in front of our neighbors. Everyone around us stopped talking and laughing to focus on my spouse, whose face flushed.

It was obvious that our youngster had retained Grandpa’s casual remarks, which were frequently made in irritation. Later that evening, this sparked a furious family dispute during which long-standing grudges were voiced and hard realities were revealed. It marked the beginning of a much-needed shift in the way we valued and interacted with one another.

Source: Pexels


When she was around two and a half, we asked our daughter how many people lived in our home. She said five instead of the four that we had anticipated. Mommy, Daddy, you, your younger brother, and she even added the cat! We found it adorable!No. Me, my brother, my mother, my father, and the female who lives in my closet. © Reddit/omgzombies08


My oldest child was three when she woke me up with a yell from her room. It was just the two of us at home since my spouse worked evenings. She asked to sleep with me when I drowsedly made my way to her chamber. Yes, child. With her more than half asleep, I took her back to my room.

She whispered, “Mama, who was that man in the living room?” as I lifted her onto my bed. It felt like a heart-stopping rush of adrenaline. After tucking her in, I thoroughly searched the entire house. There was nobody there, and all the doors were locked. © Reddit / goft-and-w*e


As I was removing my 3-year-old daughter from her car seat at around 8:30 p.m., she exclaimed, “Mommy, I want to play with the baby!” And I said, “What baby?” The one behind you, she retorted.

In my driveway, we were by ourselves. Across from us is an abandoned, eerie mansion. © reddit / rodrigueznati1124


“Mommy, I remember we danced in the garden behind the white tree when you were a little girl and I was a man,” my son remarked one evening. My heart felt icy. My uncle Toni was the only person I ever danced in the garden with when I was little. We never discuss him because he passed away years before my child was born.

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