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People Got “All The Proof They Need” In A Resurfaced Video Of A Girl’s Reincarnation

Off The Record

People Got “All The Proof They Need” In A Resurfaced Video Of A Girl’s Reincarnation

The terrifying Nicola Wheater case is leading some people to accept the veracity of the child’s rebirth narrative.

A small girl, born in Yorkshire, told her mother she had lived another life when she was just two years old.

It wasn’t just a passing phase, either, as Nicola began to remember her previous existence in great detail.

At five years old, Nicola was even able to recall her family’s name and her residence. Look below:

Nicola could hardly remember her own former Christian name, but she could remember her father’s name was Thomas Benson.

“Mummy, why am I not a boy like I used to be? My other mummy used to be called Mrs Benson, and, I was her little boy and I played with Muff,” Nicole would tell her mum Kathleen.

The five-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Benson, who once resided in Haworth, Yorkshire, went by the moniker Muff.

They discovered evidence of the family’s existence with the aid of author Mary Harrison, who was able to access church registry files.

According to records, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benson (a train worker) gave birth to John Henry Benson on July 25, 1875.

About a century ago, a train struck John, a five-year-old boy, and he perished.

After her kid experienced a panic episode while viewing a movie scene with a train, Kathleen’s worries increased even further.

Source: Youtube

The mother said in the BBC documentary 40 Minutes: “She talked about this for a very long time, and then we were Nicole was still up one night, watching a movie called The October Man, and at the conclusion of it, John Mills was contemplating whether or not to jump under this train.”

“As it were getting nearer to him, tracks were coming nearer, trains were coming nearer, and she just stood up, started waving her arms around, and gasped for breath.”

She continued: “So we turned it off; in five or 10 minutes she was all right, ‘cos she knew that if he threw himself under that train, what was going to happen?”

Nicola remembered the location of her death as John all those years ago, so she and her family went to see it.

Source: Youtube

She elaborated: “I was living over here, and I just got my foot stuck down there, and this train was coming, and it knocked me over.”

When Nicola finished relating her experience at the train tracks, viewers believed she was telling the truth because of the big sigh she let out.

“That deep sigh she gives out at the end of the video followed by that world-weary look of disappointment/regret was all the proof I needed to see,” a reader remarked.

“Interesting and very credible. One of the more convincing stories I have ever seen,” a second penned.

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